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Bellfarm® Yellow Sea Lavender Seeds

Bellfarm® Yellow Sea Lavender SeedsItem NO.: ZZ-1737-choice-d

US$ 2.99 US$ 4.10
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Bellfarm® Yellow Sea Lavender Seeds
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  • Elevate your garden with Bellfarm® Sea Lavender Seeds in vibrant yellow. These dainty and resilient flowers add timeless charm to any floral collection. Perfect for cut flowers and landscaping, they attract bees and butterflies with their vivid color. Follow our planting instructions for lasting beauty in your garden!
  • Revitalize your garden with Bellfarm® Sea Lavender Seeds in vibrant yellow from China's top flower cultivation base. Perfect for dried arrangements or Mediterranean garden charm, it thrives in well-drained soil, attracting bees and butterflies.

    Vibrant Yellow Sea Lavender Seeds: Elevate your garden with the radiant hues of Bellfarm® Sea Lavender Seeds in yellow. Choose from 100, 200, 500, or 1000 seeds, all sourced from China's renowned flower cultivation base for quality assurance. These seeds promise to add a touch of elegance and vibrancy to your floral collection.
    🌱 Limonium sinuatum - Mediterranean Beauty: Discover the allure of Limonium sinuatum, also known as wavy leaf sea lavender or statice. Standing at approximately 60cm (24 in) tall, this Mediterranean plant from the Plumbaginaceae family is celebrated for its delicate yet resilient papery flowers. Perfect for dried arrangements, garden landscapes, or adding a Mediterranean touch to your garden.
    🌱 Dainty and Resilient Yellow Blossoms: Bellfarm® Sea Lavender Seeds boast dainty and resilient yellow blossoms that exude timeless charm. Their subtle yellow hue and enduring blooms make them a favorite for cut flowers and landscaping projects. Whether used fresh or dried, these flowers captivate with their vivid color and lasting beauty, attracting delightful visits from bees and butterflies.
    🌱 Ideal Growing Conditions: To ensure the best growth, plant Sea Lavender in well-drained, loose, slightly alkaline sandy loam with deep soil layers and excellent airflow. They thrive in sunny locations but prefer moderate temperatures and dislike high heat and humidity. For optimal flowering, provide a low-temperature phase of 1.5-2 months, maintain long daylight hours, and avoid extreme temperature fluctuations.
    🌱 Planting Instructions: Start your Sea Lavender journey by sowing seeds in cell packs or flats, pressing them lightly into the soil, and covering them gently. Maintain a consistent temperature of 20-25°C for germination, which typically occurs within 8-21 days. If direct sowing, wait until all frost dangers have passed and plant seeds in groups of 3-4, spaced 18-24 inches apart. After germination, thin to the strongest plants for robust growth and prolific blooms.

    🌱 Quantity: 100, 100, 500, 1000 Seeds.
    🌱 Color: Yellow
    🌱 Seeds Quality: Premium.

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